Save the Earth with Sunflowers


Become an urban agriculturalist by planting species like sunflower and winter wheat that pull toxic chemicals out of the soil. As an added bonus, these cheerful plants will brighten any neighborhood!

Certain plants and flower are known as “hyper-accumulators”, which means that are hearty and extract lead and other heavy metals found in previously developed urban areas. These can be rotated to maximize mineral extraction. This is a big deal in areas that don’t have access to clean water, including from municipal water sources. Sunflowers and winter wheat are just two examples of plants that are attractive, relatively inexpensive and easy to grow, including in urban spaces. They have the added benefit of extracting heavy metals from the ground so that the soil and water are cleaner.

How do I get started?

  • Download our PDF for tips on how to launch your project

  • Do some research on hyper accumulators

  • Scope out appropriate locations for planting in your town

  • Start an information campaign to educate people on the benefits of planting certain species

  • Launch a fundraiser, or approach garden stores or other retailers that sell seeds and plants for donations

  • Organize a group, and get out and plant

How many hours will this take? All in, this project is estimated to take between 15-20 hours.

How can I expand this narrative arc? There are two main categories of project that logically expand this narrative arc: community beautification campaigns or environmental advocacy. Consider some of these projects:

HOT TIP: This is a project that makes a lot of sense if you’re live in a community with available land or you are interested in environmentalism. It is really impressive if you are able to plan and execute this self-directed project yourself and build on it with other activities in this narrative arc.