World Series of Innovation

NFTE World Series of Innovation consists of several challenges aimed at solving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The challenge categories include: 1) Citi Foundation Decent Work Challenge, 2) The Moody’s Foundation Infrastructure Challenge, 3) Resonance Philanthropies Plastic Waste Challenge, 4) The Coca-Cola Healthy Living Challenge, 5) The Moody’s Foundation Energy Challenge, and 6) Mastercard Financial Access Challenge. New challenges are added every year.

Teams of high school students brainstorm creative solutions and submit a commercial storyboard and script for a 60-second commercial. Judges will then select the top ten submissions in each challenge category, and those teams will have four weeks to physically film their commercial. From the top ten submissions, three category finalists are chosen by judges from the sponsoring organization to enter the final round- a public, online vote contest. The team with the most votes in each category receives the "People's Choice", and other title "Adjudicators' Choice" is bestowed upon another team by the sponsoring organization panel of judges.

Note: The NFTE Competitions helps students become aware of the pillars of sustainability, and also equips them with an online “toolkit” to inspire their creative ideas.  

How do I get started?: Click here.

How do I expand this narrative arc?

  • Check out the amazing and intensive summer programs at Cooper Union.

  • Unite your love for biology with innovation and entrepreneurship in the Biomimicry Institute Youth Design Challenge.

  • Bring innovation closer to home when you identify a problem in your community and then create and implement a solution. Check out our selection of Self-Directed Projects for inspiration and ideas on how to get a project off the ground.

HOT TIP: National competitions are an incredible way to raise your profile and show your stuff. Keep in mind that you’ll get the most mileage out of your effort if your project links in to a larger narrative arc.