Stockholm Junior Water Prize

Stockholm Junior Water Prize is a competition for students aged 15 to 20 who have developed school projects that can solve major water challenges. The competition attracts thousands of entries from 38 countries. We are honoured to have HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden as the Patron of the prize.

SJWP is open for projects striving to improve water quality, water resources management, water protection, water and wastewater treatment as well as water education and social related aspects of water. The projects may focus on local, regional, national or global topics. The contestants can compete with a practical project in the field of technology, natural and social science using innovative development methods and approaches to solve water problems. All projects must use a research-oriented approach, including scientifically accepted methodologies for investigation, experimentation, monitoring and reporting the results. Contestants in theoretical and applied science as well as projects aiming at solving community water problems are all welcome.

Only projects that have been nominated by the national organiser in each participating country are admissible to participate in the national competitions. The national and international competitions are open for students between the ages of 15 and 20, who are attending secondary high school or its equivalent. Students should not have commenced a university degree. Projects can be carried out by an individual student or a group of students, however, no more than two students can represent the project in Stockholm.

How do I get started? Click here.

How do I expand this narrative arc? Consider how you can bring some of your water-based sustainability ideas into your home community. For example:

  • Test water quality in your community and link up to a larger organization through Crowd the Tap

  • Start a local outpost of Surfrider’s Smartfin campaign, in which surfer attach special fins to their boards to track various metrics of ocean health.

  • Think about hosting a Trash Splash in your community in which you fill a local pool with plastic waste and then encourage people to swim in it to spread awareness of the effects of plastic trash on marine life. 

  • You could also pivot to a community beach clean and organize a clean up of an area of beach near you.

  • Run a “Ban the Plastic” campaign in your school or town is also a great idea. See this organization for step by step instructions on how to launch such a campaign.

HOT TIP: It’s amazing to make an impact in your home community, but even better to be recognized through a prestigious international prize!!