American Regions Math League

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“This is an annual national mathematics competition. High school students form teams of 15 to represent their city, state, county or school and compete against the best students from the United States and Canada. The event consists of Team, Power, Individual and Relay rounds and usually takes place the first Saturday after Memorial Day. Currently, ARML is held simultaneously at three sites: Penn State, The University of Iowa and The University of Nevada - Las Vegas. The ARML Power Contest is open to classes of high school students and consists of several "long answer" problems to which the class submits a single solution written during a 45 minute period.”

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How do I expand this narrative arc? If math is part of your narrative arc consider doing one of the following:

HOT TIP: National math competitions are a great way to challenge yourself and deepen your exposure to different types of math problems. Keep in mind that they are a very common extracurricular for kids who love math and might even want to study it in college. This makes it both a great environment to network and make friends in that community, and a potential issue if you want to stand out from your Math Club teammates. Have fun with math competitions, but also think about ways that you can enhance and diversity your profile by supplementing with math-adjacent or more applied-math activities.