Pitch the Plastic


Many people understand the environmental costs of plastic but still prefer to drink water from plastic water bottles. Launch a campaign at your school to demonstrate that tap water is both better tasting and healthier than bottled water. You can organize an event where there's a blind taste test, and fundraise for and order testing strips that demonstrate that there are no more bad chemicals in tap water than in bottled water. You can also educate people on the health risks associated with plastic chemicals leaching into bottled water. You can build an app, run a t-shirt campaign or launch a competition over a set period of time. There are no rules, just figure out the most effective way to get through to people!

How do I get started? Download our Stand Out from the Pack - Campaign PDF.

How do I expand this narrative arc? There are many great projects that are feasible for a motivated teen. Building on the success of your Pitch the Plastic you should consider one or more of the many other climate-related interventions. For example:

  • Attend a summer program where you help design plastic-eating bugs!

  • If you live in a dry climate, launch a Xeri-scaping awareness campaign to promote the use of drought-resistant plants in landscaping.

  • If you live in an urban area (or one that has issues environmental contamination), Save the Earth with Sunflowers (which draw heavy metals from the soil).

  • Promote energy conservation through a campaign to paint the dark roofs of buildings white with The White Roof Project.

HOT TIP: Done properly, this is a project that can have a great impact in your community or on your resume. As with any extra-curricular, however, it’s value is also dependent on how it relates to your overall narrative arc, and whether you’ve expanded on it with other unique and unusual pursuits.