NPR Podcast Challenge

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Create a podcast on your own or with friends and submit it to NPR. Win a chance to be broadcast live on NPR!

“Here's how it works: Put together a podcast with your class or extracurricular group. Then your teacher can submit it to us.

This contest is for teachers with students between 5th and 12th grade. Each podcast should be between three and 12 minutes long.

The winning podcast submissions will be featured in segments on Morning Edition or All Things Considered.”

How do I get started? Click here.

How do I expand this narrative arc?

  • Engage with local leaders at a Youth Town Hall

  • For a teen that is interested in student government, politics and policy, this would be a great project to combine with Rock the Vote.

  • Launch a Speaker’s Corner at your school to provide a forum for discussion and debate of issues that are important to fellow students.

  • Pick an issue that you care deeply about and start an in person or online information campaign at your school.

  • Consider one of the many summer programs run by The New York Times Summer Academy, includingWhistleblower Journalism in D.C.

HOT TIP: National competitions through brand name organizations like NPR are an incredible way to share your perspective AND raise your profile. You’ll get even more mileage out of the process if you link your podcast into other activities that also relate to your narrative arc.