Project Slow Down!


Do you live in a community where there are lots of traffic or pedestrian accidents? Do you have intersections where people can walk safely? Gather a group of like-minded citizens and partner with the police and community leaders and launch a campaign to encourage people to drive more safely.

Road safety is an issue in every community, and there’s always room for improvement. Talk a walk around your community and notice features that are helpful, or harmful, to pedestrian safety. For example:

  • Are there sidewalks and paths that are safe for walking and biking?

  • Are there crosswalks?

  • What is your speed limit, is it appropriate to the area, and do the majority of drivers adhere to this rule?

  • Are there traffic enforcement rules in place (like visible police, red light cameras, speed bumps)?

  • Are there enough signs in places with lots of foot traffic, light around schools?

  • Are there groups that are particularly problematic (like teenage drivers, or delivery vehicles?)

Small steps, and an effective information campaign, can transform your community into a place that is safer to live and walk, and a better place to be.

How do I get started? First, download our Stand Out From the Pack - Campaign PDF. Then start asking people whether there are things to be done to improve road safety. Organize a group, and talk to community leaders and the police. Then run a survey and develop a plan for addressing your concerns. Small changes can lead to big safety improvements!

How do I expand this narrative arc? If you are interested in community advocacy, also consider one of the following amazing projects:

  • Convene a Youth Town Hall, where young people in your community can raise and address issues of concern to them with local leaders

  • Run a voter registration drive for young voters through Rock the Vote

  • Launch a a Speaker’s Corner at your school to provide a forum for discussion and debate of issues that are important to fellow students

HOT TIP: This is a great way to improve your community while raising your profile as a youth activist. Remember that you’ll get more mileage out of your campaign if you combine it with other community activism projects. Don’t be afraid to capitalize on the momentum of your road safety campaign by launching other related, or unrelated, community projects.