Community Recycling


Many communities across the country recently learned that much of what is designated for recycling is in fact going to landfill. Unfortunately, many regions have facilities that lack the capacity to sort and recycle all the waste that is sent to them. In order to address this significant waste management issue states across the country are working to develop comprehensive plans that set ambitious recycling and re-use plans to address the current pollution and waste crisis. Find out what is happening in your community, and what local leaders plan to do if changes are made at the regional or state level that make it more difficult the recycle. Even better, help develop a waste reduction campaign to help blunt the effects of any changes that make it difficult for your community to continue to recycle.

How do I get started? Do some research on the issues, in particular as it relates to recycling in your community and region. Then download our Stand Out from the Pack - Campaign PDF.

How do I expand this narrative arc? There are so many great projects that are feasible for a motivated teen. Building on the success of your Community Recycling Project you should consider one or more of the many other climate-related urban interventions. For example:

  • Launch a White Roof Project in which community buildings with dark roofs are repainted with white elastomeric paint that reflects rather than absorbs heat.

  • If you live in a dry climate, launch a Xeri-scaping awareness campaign to promote the use of drought-resistant plants in landscaping.

  • If you live in an urban area (or one that has issues environmental contamination), Save the Earth with Sunflowers (which draw heavy metals from the soil).

  • Promote energy conservation through Ecolympics.

HOT TIP: This could turn into a really big project, but it has to be done properly and thoughtfully. Adjust your strategy and goals based on your community size and type. Do you live in a small town that hasn’t spend much time addressing this issue? Then think big. Or, are you in a larger community or even city that has a comprehensive plan in place that may not necessarily be well-executed? If so, think more along the lines of an information campaign to help people make better environmental and recycling choices.