Student Conservation Association

The Student Conservation Association is a 60+ year old organization devoted to protecting and restoring national parks, marine sanctuaries, cultural landmarks and community green spaces in all 50 states. The SCA runs student programs for 15-19 year olds and 18+ year olds ranging from months-long trail-building conservation and management to year-round community conservation efforts. Sustainability and environmentalism are incredibly important (and hot!) topics for teens these days. SCA is an opportunity for a kid who loves the outdoors and is potentially interested in further study (or even a career) in conservation.

“Are you a high school student who is passionate about conservation? Do you like working as part of a team to get things done? Do you just love being outdoors?

Join an SCA Crew and plug yourself into SCA’s nationwide network of young conservationists – thousands of students who are as passionate as you are about preserving wildlands, protecting nature in urban areas, and keeping the planet green.

SCA offers a range of programs for youth ages 15-19. Whether you want to serve in your local community or explore public lands across the country, SCA has a crew for you!”

How do I get started? Click here.

How do I expand this narrative arc? If environment is your narrative arc, consider building on this interest with one of the following: