Sugar Rascals


“We want our readers to witness the work of blossoming, talented teenagers. We want our contributors to expose their voices to the world, and to grow above all else. We want to explore parts of ourselves that we are ashamed or afraid of. We want our imaginations and experiences of day-to-day life to change us for the better. We want you to be true to yourself, and perhaps more importantly, accept yourself for the unique, courageous being you are.

The power of words and art does unfathomable things to the human spirit. Show us. Make us feel like we've never before. Give us discovery. Give us your raw, your delicate. Midnight howlings. Heart spilled on to a page. Fistfuls of salt, sugar. Who you are when nobody's looking. Vulnerable, with nothing to hide.

Draw blood. Hold your breath. Take a chance. Submit.”

Submit your poems, fiction, non-fiction and art to this online literary and arts journal. The stated mission of the journal is to expose the voices of talented youth to the world and to promote personal growth in writers. Aspiring editors can also apply to be part of the journal.

How do I get started? Check out the submissions page here.

How do I expand on this Narrative Arc? Sugar Rascals is one of a number of reputable publications focused on publishing works by teens. Check out one of the others, and expand the numbers of people that read your work!

HOT TIP: This is a fantastic way for teens who are great writers or artists to get some positive attention for their work. It’s a nice complement to a school literary club or newspaper.