The Concord Review

The Concord Review is a literary journal that publishes serious scholarly work of students in the field of History.

Submit your essay written on any historical topic, ancient or modern, domestic or foreign. The Concord Review is motivated by the desire to showcase the important and substantial academic work in the field of history of high school students. It promotes the idea that serious scholarship in high school should be given the same celebrity and attention as excellence in sports and other extracurriculars. It also awards the prestigious Emerson Prize to a small number of students who have had their work published each year.

How do I apply? Check out the website for The Concord Review for more information. Review the submissions guidelines carefully; they are extensive.

How can I expand this narrative arc? Consider one of the many history-related transcription projects like Civil War Researcher or Women’s Suffrage Researcher. Ideally, you should extend your work in the topic that is the subject of the work that you submit to The Concord Review.

HOT TIP: Have you written a significant paper in History class that makes you really proud? Are you looking for a broader stage to showcase your talents. The Concord Review publishes only serious scholarship. It is a major credit to you if you can get your work into one of their editions.