UC Santa Barbara Researcher

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Are you a serious student who’s always wanted to leave near the beach and California? The University of California at Santa Barbara runs a prestigious, intensive six-week summer research program in which students are paired with a mentor and pursue an in-depth research project.

“The Research Mentorship Program is a competitive, six-week summer program that engages qualified, high-achieving high school students from all over the world in interdisciplinary, hands-on, university-level research. Students will be paired up with a mentor (graduate student, postdoc, or faculty) and choose a research project from a large list of disciplines offered by the program each year.

In addition to gaining a deep relationship with their mentor, they will learn about research techniques, gain insight into professional research-based opportunities, and mature their academic goals. The lecture series - GRIT talks - will connect students to some of the best minds among the UCSB research community who present on their ground-breaking research and innovative technology. Along with these academic benefits, the students will be immersed in university life and networked with equally ambitious and curious peers.”

How do I get started? Click here.

How do I expand this narrative arc? Additional selections for your narrative arc will depend on which intensive research program you pursue. Search our database in your field and make a few selections - they can include some more- and less-intensive options. The key is to leverage whatever you study during the summer into something back at home. Is there an independent study that you can do to continue your research? Or does your summer relate to a job or opportunity in your community? Be creative! The more you put into it the more you’ll get out of it!

HOT TIP: Only serious students need apply, and you’ll get lots of amazing exposure from this incredible program. Still, keep in mind that you’ll get the most out of your experience if you link your UCSB summer into other academic and extracurricular activities. A single impressive endeavor on its own is good. A summer program that links into a year-round extracurricular and an academic strength is great!