Water Bottle Art

Water Bottle Art_Rec.jpg

Do you know how much plastic waste (or even just water bottle waste) the average American family generates in a year? Changes are good that neither do you friends and neighbors. Start a project where you collect and keep every plastic water bottle that you and your family uses over an entire year. Then create an art installation featuring all of this plastic. Create an awareness campaign on or off line, and then find a place to display your art in the community. Even better, use all of these tactics to launch a local anti-plastic movement.

How do I expand this narrative arc? Are you keen to bring your activism to your community and beyond?

  • Enter a Bowseat competition to raise awareness about climate change.

  • Think about hosting a Trash Splash in your community in which you fill a local pool with plastic waste and then encourage people to swim in it to spread awareness of the effects of plastic trash on marine life. 

  • Run a “Pitch the Plastic” campaign in your school or town is also a great idea. See this organization for step by step instructions on how to launch such a campaign.

  • Enter to win the prestigious international Stockholm Junior Water Prize

HOT TIP: A water bottle art project is a great way to bring awareness to an important environmental issue. Make the most of it by linking it into a larger awareness campaign in your community. Want some help? Download Stand Out From The Pack - Campaign.