BioGENEius Global Challenge

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Compete to design a biotech innovation in this fun competition sponsored by the Biotechnology Institute.

“Imagine discovering a cure to a rare disease, optimizing crop production to provide millions more with affordable food, or even culturing new algae to break down water contaminants. The Biotechnology Institute challenges you to explore projects in any of the above, and more, and present your work to industry innovators currently transforming the scientific landscape. The BioGENEius Global Healthcare Challenge seeks your innovative input in the area of medical biotechnology. The contest is open to high school student and home schooled students of high school age.”

How do I get started? Click here.

How do I expand this narrative arc? Take your great ideas into the broader world or your small community with one of these camps and or projects:

  • Check out the New York BioForce Biotechnology Challenge.

  • Learn about the unique challenges of adapting sustainability principles to an urban environment at Sustainable Summer Brooklyn.

  • Launch an impact project in your community that unites your passion for biology with your creative ideas for technological innovation.

  • Explore the exciting summer programs at Cooper Union where you might, among other things, design Plastic Eating Bugs.