Support Youth Sports


Do you live in or near a low income community where sports are a big part of growing up? Travel to tournaments and festivals, including overseas, can be a wonderful and mind-expanding experience for teens. Unfortunately, any travel, however near or far, is expensive. Add to that the entry fees to enter tournaments, and a lot of kids just can’t afford to participate. Unfortunately, teens in some areas struggle with fundraising.

Gather a group and host a fundraiser to send a team that needs the help. Work with coaches and managers to identify an opportunity, and then help find the money to send the team on the trip. 

How do I get started? Download our Stand Out From the Pack - Done in a Day PDF for some tips on where to begin.

How do I expand this narrative arc? Are you a sports kids? Or a community service kid? Or both? There are a number of great extracurriculars that can help you expand this narrative arc:

HOT TIP: The youth sports fundraiser is a terrific way for you (and your sports team) to give something amazing to a community that has less than yours. Keep in mind that you’ll get the most mileage when you expand your narrative arc with something else robust and meaningful that goes beyond just the time that you put in on the court or the field.