

Launch an environmental awareness competition to raise awareness and initiate conversations about what your community can do to reduce its environmental footprint. You can host speakers, run workshops and launch a social media campaign. Think about something measurable - plastic, food waste, or means of transportation. Then challenge your community to track and decrease consumption. Incorporate prizes!

How do I get started: Download our PDF on how to launch a community impact campaign. Do you research, and rally your friends and neighbors. Your job will be easier - and your project more successful - if you focus on a discrete, and measurable, issue (think: single-use plastic, carpooling or turning out lights).

How do I expand this narrative arc? There are so many great projects that are feasible for a motivated teen. Building on the success of your Ecolympics you should consider one or more of the many other climate-related urban interventions. For example:

HOT TIP: It’s not enough to just start an environmental club at your school; you need to get out there and make an impact! Keep in mind that multiple projects are going to look a lot better than just one, and you’ll get as much out of it as you put into it.