Holocaust Remembrance Competition

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Help commemorate memories of the Holocaust in this unique writing competition. Participants hear holocaust survivors’ accounts and then submit their responses in the form of art, prose, poetry or film. It’s a great opportunity to join an interesting and important project and help commemorate this tragic period in history.

How do I get started? Have a look at the Holocaust Remembrance Competition website.

How do I expand this narrative arc? If History and writing are in your narrative arc, consider building on this interest with one of the following:

  • Enter the National World War II Museum’s Essay Contest;

  • Have you done serious historical research at school? Submit your related paper for publication at The Concord Review.

  • Get involved with more Civil War research through the Library of Congress website.

  • If your school offers the ability to do an independent study or writing projects, consider doing a larger research project that expands on the themes you explored in your Holocaust remembrance essay. Colleges love “pointy” students, and expansion on a theme will demonstrate your ability to go deep!

  • Take a front row seat at World War II history when you go on this interesting tour of the battlefields at Normandy

  • Love early American History? Write and deliver a speech on a topic relating to the American Revolution in the American Oration Contest

HOT TIP: This is an interesting way to connect yourself directly with a person and a story from the past. This competition could be especially meaningful to you if you have a personal connection to the Holocaust or a particular interest in this dark chapter in History.