Nature Activist

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The Nature Conservancy is an international conservation organization with chapters all over the world . This amazing organization has hundreds of volunteer opportunities all over the U.S. You can discover them through the site and jump in and get your hands dirty in your local area. If your bent is more political they have a ton of ways for you to get involved from signing petitions to contacting congress and more.

“Founded at its grassroots in the United States in 1951, The Nature Conservancy has grown to become one of the most effective and wide-reaching environmental organizations in the world. Thanks to more than a million members and the dedicated efforts of our diverse staff and more than 400 scientists, we impact conservation in 79 countries and territories across six continents… Our mission is to conserve the land and waters on which all life depends. Our vision is a world where the diversity of life thrives, and people act to conserve nature for its own sake and its ability to fulfill our needs and enrich our lives.”

How do I get started? Just go the the Nature Conservancy website and see the many ways you can get involved. From park preservation, to trail clearing, to tree planting, animal preservation and more, there is something for everyone in most areas of the U.S.

How much time will this take? The time commitment depends on the level of involvement you choose. From sending a couple of emails to representatives, to spending a day volunteering to regular ongoing activites, you can spent a little time or a lot!

How do I expand this narrative arc? If nature or conservation are in your narrative arc, consider building on this interest with one of the following:

  • Become an Astro-Ecologist! See our post and lean how to help save endangered species using imaging from thermal drones. Join astrophysicists, conservationists, the WWF and Liverpool University in helping develop a system which uses astronomical techniques to automatically find and identify different endangered animals and track down their poachers.

  • See our post about helping preserve biodiversity in South Sudan using camera trap images.

  • Get involved in a local organization in your area that is committed to preserving native species and eradicating invasive species.

  • Using materials from the National Wildlife Federation, start a campaign in your local community to promote native plants and preserve natural habitats.

HOT TIP: This is a organization to get involved with to complement a general interest in nature, biodiversity and conservation. Make sure to build with some larger and more leadership-based commitments in these interest areas like starting a local campaign to promote native plants and preserve natural habitats.

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