That Stinks!


Build a "pollution pod" with the help of a science teacher that demonstrates to people what the earth will smell like in 2100 if the pace of environmental degradation isn't slowed.

Enlist a science teacher to help build a device and/or create a demonstration in which the air is filled with the types of pollutants (or substances that smell like the pollutants) that are projected to be ubiquitous in the air by 2100. Then sit outside your school, a commercial area or your local government building and ask people to smell the contents of the bubble. This can be combined with an information campaign that educates people on a practical, and disturbing/disgusting aspect of climate change.

How do I get started? First, download our PDF and learn more about how to launch a campaign that will help you stand out from the pack. Do some research, and enlist the help of a keen adult with a science background (preferably a science teacher).

How long will this project take? Done properly this project is estimated to take 20-25 hours.

How do I expand this narrative arc? Consider combining it with a E-Vehicle Charging Station Campaign or a Biodiesel Conversation Campaign in your community.

HOT TIP: The impact of this project will depend on both how it fits into your larger narrative arc and how extensive your execution. Are you a science kid with an interest in sustainability and climate change? Or a community advocate looking for a cause? If so, this might be a good project for you. Keep in mind that you’re going to get a lot more mileage out of creating a community awareness campaign that incorporates the pollution pod than if you limit it to a science experiment whose existence is limited to you, your science teacher and maybe your parents.