WWII Essay Contest


The National World War II Museum sponsors a regular essay competition in which students are prompted to respond to a question in a theme relating to World War II. Past topics include what the duty of art and artists should be when a nation is at war. There are categories for middle and high school students, with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners receiving cash prizes. Check the website for more information on what contests are currently being offered.

How do I get started? Check out their website for more information.

How do I expand this narrative arc?  If historical research is in your narrative arc, consider building on this interest with one of the following:

  • Get Scrappy! Build your own community impact project campaign that links a modern conservation need with our history.

  • See our post on getting any historical research you may have done published in The Concord Review.

  • Get involved with more Civil War research through the Library of Congress website.

  • If your school offers the ability to do an independent study or writing projects, consider doing a larger research project that expands on the themes you explored in your WWII essay contest. Colleges love “pointy” students, and expansion on a theme will demonstrate your ability to go deep!

HOT TIP: This is a great little project to kick off or complement a general interest in history or historial research. Make sure to build on this project with some larger and more time-intensive commitments in these interest areas.