Social Media Campaign


Most teens are on social media today, and a lot has been said about its ill effects. But social media is also an incredible vehicle for reaching a broad audience. And with some advance planning and careful execution you can do a lot to advance an important social cause. Are you passionate about reducing plastic use? Or keen to promote a campaign to clean up ocean garbage? Do some research about what organizations are working in the same space. Then start a social media account and regularly post images and links that promote your perspective on the theme. A great way to get new followers is to follow other organizations and people that are trying to do the same great work.

How do I get started? First, download our PDF for some helpful tips on where to begin. Then spend some time researching and thinking about an issue (or related issues) that really fire you up. Remember, your impact (and your benefit) will correlate to how much time and effort you devote to this campaign. Be sure to pick something that has staying power.

How do I expand this narrative arc? Check out some of the other information campaigns we suggest, each of which could be run on social media:

HOT TIP: You’ll get the most mileage out of a project that links into your overall narrative arc. Are you a science person? Tackle an issue like pollution, plastic or public health. Or are you more engaged with the arts? Think about launching a campaign to Halt Fast Fashion. There’s no limit to your choices, just make sure it’s one that matters to you!